iPad and PDA


Chemical Safety iPad and PDAA number of EMS applications are available on the iPad and PDA (barcode reader). This allows for mobile use of programs such as Inventory Management, MSDS, Waste Management & Audits and Inspections.

With the Audits & Inspections application, facility managers can use included inspection questionnaires (provided by the EPA) or create their own, to conduct physical inspections of their facilities’ Environmental Management Programs and Safety Equipment. Each suvery can include a number of questions with the option to answer with picks lists, yes/no buttons, free text – or a combination. The answer to one question can dictate a follow-on question. PDAs allow inspectors to physically move around the facility, visually checking equipment and answering related questions.

Once an inspection is complete, the data from the survey is uploaded to EMS with the PDA’s synching software. In PDAEMS,an inspection report is generated and required Corrective Actions can be initiated and managed. Users can be notified follow-up or scheduled-frequency inspections are due.

Our Ipad Waste App allows you to transfer and track waste items and drums in the warehouse or factory floor. A touch of the button and it brings up the EMS web app to show a detailed view of what’s in the database.